Great News!!!!

No chemo needed! We couldn't have asked for a better report. All of Patty's test results indicated the absence of additional cancer in her breasts or anywhere else. The gene test shows her to be in a low risk category for future reoccurrence  (8 per cent chance). She will taking Arimidex for the next five years (one pill daily) and calcium/vitamin D.  Radiation treatments will begin in a week or so and will be daily for six and a half weeks. The major concern here is that her skin may burn because she is so fair skinned.

As we begin the Easter weekend, the Doublin family has a lot to be thankful for and this has certainly been a Good Friday. The Lord has blessed us with great news. Thanks go to everyone for your prayers and support. God bless each of you.


Anonymous 4/11/10, 6:33 PM  

Patty and Gary, just now received this website from Brian...what a journey you are on! THANK GOD for his healing powers and for the faith and strength that your family is able to express. We will continue to hold you all in our thoughts and prayers.
Martha and Bill

Periodic Quote...

"The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."- Allan Chalmers